Simulated Minds Presents..

Cry of Athena

Simulated Minds Has a Focus on Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Brain-Machine Interfaces

At Simulated Minds, we are on the forefront of Virtual Reality games with the aim of exploring new ways of playing within the medium. Using advanced physics for the player character as well as the AI characters in our game, we aim to immerse players with strong game mechanics and physics systems.

We are constantly implementing ways to improve Artificial Intelligence within our games, along with using new technology to enhance their behavior such as fully physical active ragdolls. We aim to make believable, dynamic characters. Check out Cry of Athena, our debut VR game which showcases these qualities!

We are researching ways to incorporate Brain Machine Interfaces into our virtual reality games. Stay tuned for news about how BMI’s will be implemented!

Simulated Minds

Specializing in Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence

and Brain-Machine Interfaces
